Get A Quote

Need a quote or pricing information on a specific chemical product? Need a special chemical solution for your company?

Riverside would be pleased to provide you with the product information and pricing you require.

Please use the form below to describe the product or problem.


Quote Form

Form Instructions: Complete the appropriate information and press the “Submit Quote Request” button below when complete.

*Your name, phone and valid email address are required items on this form.

    Use Of Product
    Please tell us how your company uses the chemical product you require (check box):

    We are an Industrial company using chemical products in our general operation.

    We are a Manufacturer using chemical products in the our manufacturing process.

    We are a Laboratory using chemical products in lab work.

    We are a Commercial company using chemical product in cleaning, maintenance or other purpose.


    Product Name:

    Minimum Quantity Required:

    Maximum Quantity Required:

    Size Package Required:

    Can substitutions or generic products be used:

    Detailed Description:

    If you are not sure of the specific product name, or you are looking for a chemical solution to a problem, please use the field below for detailed description:

    Privacy Statement: We ensure your privacy. We will not sell or rent your name or any information you provide to us.